Presenter: Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria Lecture: Integrating Oral and Mental Health with HIV and SRHR Care for Adolescents in Nigeria Presented in Session 5: The Right Combination: HIV and SRHR Packages International
Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2023 Subscribe to our newsletter: For more information, visit: Upcoming meetings:
Meeting Description
The International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence took place as a hybrid program on 4-6 October 2023 in Lusaka, Zambia.
This year's workshop theme is "Out of the Box SRHR and HIV Innovation for, with, and by Adolescents".
Adolescence is a unique developmental stage full of transitions that offer both challenges and opportunities – including laying a foundation for good health. Every effort must be made to ensure access to HIV and SRHR services and retain adolescents in care to improve and maintain their health and well-being.
The medical advances that have transformed HIV treatment and prevention are yet to alter the stark reality for adolescents and young people, particularly in low to middle-income countries. Even as AIDS-related mortality has decreased overall in recent years, AIDS-related deaths among adolescents are still higher than in adults. AIDS is still the no.1 cause of death of adolescents in 12 countries in SSA, and almost six times as many adolescent girls acquired HIV than adolescent boys. Uncountable early pregnancies among young women who were not ready have occurred, often in the context of violence. Globally 50% of pregnancies among 15 - 19-year-olds were unintended. Young key populations remain marginalized from critical services.
There is a need to understand and invest in evidence-informed multi-sectoral solutions that support young people to reduce their HIV risk, improve SRH, educational and employment outcomes, reduce poverty and hunger, and exposure to violence and mental health. This workshop aims to look at the fuller lives of adolescents and address the multiple overlapping drivers that impact their sexual and reproductive health and HIV needs. It explores new and innovative approaches, such as digital technology, and focuses on adolescents’ agency and leadership to control their health and lives.