Perception of HIV physicians in Spain towards diagnosis and management of neuropsychiatric comorbidities in people with HIV
Results of the study show that, despite having an awareness of the relevance of NPC diagnosis and acknowledging their inappropriate diagnosis levels, physicians treating people
with HIV in Spanish hospitals fail to routinely evaluate NPCs, follow guideline recommendations, and use questionnaires.
Insufficient training and lack of time during visits were identified as the main barriers to identification of NPCs. However, the results indicate that physicians understand the relationship between ART and NPCs and their management and tend to integrate and coordinate care with mental health professionals.
These results provide valuable information regarding opportunities to improve the detection and management of NPCs in people with HIV, such as the implementation of self-reported questionnaires, nested to clinical records, that people with HIV could complete on their mobile devices before each clinical appointment and would help clinicians to estimate the mental health of their patients and detect NPCs.
