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World Mental Health Day: EATG launches mental health recommendations paper

World Mental Health Day: EATG launches mental health recommendations paper
World Mental Health Day: EATG launches mental health recommendations paper

In view of the World Mental Health Day (10 October), EATG shares a briefing paper with recommendations emerging from our research and stakeholder consultations to improve the provision of mental health services for people living with and affected by HIV in Europe and Central Asia.

The recommendations are addressed to European and national health policy makers, agencies and donors, healthcare professionals and speciality societies, research institutions and researchers, civil society and community-based organisations working with people living with, affected by or at risk of HIV.

The briefing paper is delivered in the frame of EATG’s HIV and Mental Health project, and it’s available in English and Russian. Earlier in 2021, we published the full report from our research and shorter versions in seven languages.


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HIV and Mental Health Platform

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The HIV & Mental Health project has been developed by the EATG, and was made possible through a grant from Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd, Merck Sharp and Dohme, and ViiV Healthcare Europe Ltd. . EATG acknowledges that the sponsors had no control or input into the structure or the content of the initiative.


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